According to research conducted, the critically ill covid-19 patients those who are often admitted to ICU’s for a very long time that can extend up to 2-3 weeks, contributing to the loss of lean muscle mass, which could occur at the rate of up to 1 kg per day.
Losing muscle mass is the most common complication of critical illness that occurs in up to 50% of patients, which can seriously lengthen the recovery times, impaired immunity, increase infection risk etc. Hence, timely good Nutrition after corona is the only key to recover faster during Covid-19.
Currently Covid-19 pandemic is the biggest challenge across the globe. Suddenly, the cases of coronavirus have gone up. Although, we should follow the SOP’s strictly for our safety, like wearing a face mask, sanitising or washing our hands frequently and maintaining social distancing etc. However, the significant aspect that should be included is a good lifestyle and a healthy diet.
It is also true that no specific food can prevent the widespread coronavirus. But in this pandemic situation, we should improve our immunity by having the right food and proper nutrition that can boost the body’s immunity, ability to prevent, fight and recover from this disease. At this moment, it is mandatory to attain and maintain good nutritional status to fight against the virus. Therefore, it is reasonably necessary to focus nutrition after corona in your diet more than ever before.
Correct nutrition after corona
Increase Protein
Protein is the only macronutrient in the Food Pyramid containing Nitrogen, which is why it helps grow, maintain, and repair our muscles. No other nutrient can do so, and hence this is considered as the King of Nutrients.
Depending on the beliefs and choices people have regarding food items (Vegetarian/Non-vegetarian), there are several food items rich in first-class protein. First-class protein is the one we get from animal sources that get utilized by the body to a more considerable extent. The sources of first-class protein found in the food items like Paneer, Eggs, Fish and meat etc., can be included in the daily food intake.
Protein is also considered an Immunity builder. All the antibodies needed to fight infections are immunoglobulin made up of Proteins. So if the food rich in protein is given to the covid patients, it will indeed show better results faster.
Increase Hydration and Water Intake
Good hydration is essential to maintain good health, especially for covid patients. Keep yourself hydrated during the daytime. Ensure that you drink plain water. Do not drink canned beverages or sweetened packed juices. Preferably, take plain water; you can also go for coconut water and ORS solutions.
Restrict Sugar Consumption
In Covid patients, Inflammation caused due to the virus is relatively high. If we keep our sugar intake high, this will cause Inflammation to go up. So it is always advised to lower sugar intake. Not just during COVID, but overall, sugar is never beneficial. So try to prevent the consumption of sugary drinks, flavored water, and ready-to-drink tea and coffee.
Include Vitamins and minerals
One should include a good amount of Vitamin C in their diet. We must include fruits rich in Vitamin C. Try to have a Vitamin C supplement that contains rosehips and citrus bioflavonoids. Also, green leafy vegetables should be included in plenty amount.
Vitamin D also plays a vital role in improving immunity. Vitamin D supplementation should be taken with a good amount of saturated fats like ghee, butter, coconut oil.
The consumption of dairy products and poultry also helps in maintaining Vitamin D levels.
Foods rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin E, copper, zinc like nuts and seeds, onion, garlic, mushrooms, broccoli etc., can be included in your diet to improve immunity.
Use of Antioxidants
Antioxidants fight free radical attack. Free radicals usually increase during illness. Vitamins and minerals like Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E, zinc, copper, selenium, manganese and chromium should be included in the diet to avoid any oxidative stress happening due to sickness.
The food items like eggs, meat, Fish, cheese, peanuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds, mushrooms are good sources of selenium, zinc. Beans, cashew nut, spinach, almonds, berries are rich in manganese.
We can also take supplements for these vitamins if the person cannot consume the above food items. It is always advised to take supplements initially for faster recovery.
Suggested Supplement Stack
Vitamin C – If a person is suffering from covid-19 and is hospitalized or at home quarantine, initially, it can be given up to 10 grams a day. Later one can reduce the quantity up to 5 grams and then 2 grams per day.
This should be taken along with Vitamin E for better results. Vitamin E should not be consumed more than 800 IU per day.
Another powerful and universal Antioxidant is Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA). It recycles Vitamin C and E. It can be combined with COQ10, another versatile antioxidant that will help in better recovery.
The recommended dosage for Alpha Lipoic Acid is 300 – 600 mg per day and dosage for CoQ10 is 200-400 mg per day. So, In Nutshell, Either (Vitamin C + Vitamin E) OR (ALA + COQ10) can be taken.
In Covid-19 patients, C – reactive protein is on the higher side. This is the inflammation marker in the body detected through a blood test. Using Anti-inflammatory foods may provide some relief to patients.
Anti-inflammatory Foods to be included
Turmeric Milk, also known as Golden Milk, can be taken at bedtime. Turmeric molecules, namely Curcumin supplements, are also available in the market. So it is better to consume curcumin supplements up to 3 grams daily to reduce inflammation in the body.
Things like turmeric, ginger, Fish, omega-rich foods (walnuts, fish oil) should be added to the daily diet.
For those who do not consume Fish and other Non-veg foods, it is prescribed to take 1000 mg Omega 3 fish oil capsule daily post-dinner.
Additionally, the food items that cause Inflammation should be avoided. Refined vegetable oils, sugar, refined carbohydrates should be not be consumed for better results.
While we cannot avoid getting prey to COVID infection but with healthy nutrition and the right mindset with the help of meditation, we can fight it back well by maintaining a healthy immune system to fight infections. Therefore, a nutritious diet is essential for all age groups throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
Very important information in short words.
Thanks Mr Kranti, Glad, you found it Informative!!!
Nice and detailed explanation and really helpful for the people who are recovered from Covid-19 to maintain there diet.
Thanks for the kind words, I am happy that it will help people to recover fast.
Simple yet concrete information. Right mindset and right nutrition can be really magical
Thanks Mr Rohit, glad you found it informative
Very Informative in this crucial time period especially for those who have covid or had this deadly disease. Thanks a lot Priyanka Bhan Raina.
Thanks Ashish, do share and spread positive vibes during these challenging times!!
The above article provides a depth information useful for all the age groups. It is very useful to prevent post covid complications. I suggest every person must go through this useful and informative article.
Thanks Rakesh for resonating with our original intent behind this article!!!